Abstracts must be submitted in the following format and structure. Please use as a guidance the following abstract-template. Please submit the abstract by mail to symposium@qfd-id.de.
Abstract Format
- 500 words maximum
- Single spacing
- Font Times New Roman 12pt
Abstract Structure
- Paper Title
- Autobiographical note for each author
- Full name
- Academic title
- Organization (University, Company)
- Department and work/reseach areas
- E-Mail adress
- Postal adress
- Paper type (scientific or practical/case study)
- Heading ‚Abstract‘
- Sub-headings
- Purpose/Motivation
- Methodology/Approach
- Findings and Research Limitation
- Originality/Value of paper
- Up to six Keywords
Full Paper
Full papers must be submitted electronically and in the following format and structure. Please use as a guidance the following full-paper-template. Please submit the final paper by mail to symposium@qfd-id.de.
Full Paper Format
- Word Format: *.doc, *.docx
- Submissions should have at least 3000 words and should not exceed 6000 words including all text, references, tables etc.
- Do not number pages
- Single spacing
- Font Times New Roman 12pt
- References within the text should be authors last name followed by year of publication all in round brackets (Akao, 1968)
- Tables must be numbered consecutively within the main text using a title and roman numerals (I, II, …)
- Figures, diagrams, charts must be numbered consecutively within the main text using a title and arabic numerals (1, 2, …)
- Avoid footnotes and endnotes
- The reference list at the end of the paper should be complete and in Harvard style using an alphabetical list by author
Examples of Harvard style:
- For books: Surname, Initials, (year), Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication
- Akao, Y. (1988), Hinshitsu tenkai katsuyo no jissai, Japanese Standards Association, Tokyo
- For book chapters: Surname, Initials, (year), „Chapter title“, Editor’s surname, Initials, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication
- For journals: Surname, Initals, (year), „Title of article“, Journal name, Volume, Number, Pages
Full Paper Structure
- Paper Title
- Autobiographical note for each author
- Full name
- Academic title
- Organization (University, Company)
- Department and work/reseach areas
- E-Mail adress
- Postal adress
- Paper type (scientific or practical/case study)
- Abstract
- 4-6 Keywords
- Paper Text
- List of references