December 9th – 10th, 2021

Successful creation, design, development and dissemination of products requires a fruitful cooperation of many skillful and experienced stakeholders within and outside a company. Integrating customer and technology has been always a major issue in the preceding 25 manifold International Symposia on QFD. Today, new perspectives like digitization possibilities, service integration, new markets and business ecosystems come into play. But is QFD capable of meeting these new perspectives? And/Or are there other powerful approaches and methods which may contribute or challenge the quest for an Integrative Product Management and Development? We invite practitioners and scientists from different disciplines and backgrounds to share their views on this topic.
Online Conference
ISQFD‘ 21 is held as online conference. We are very much looking forward to your exciting contributions. The Call for Papers is expired, we are very pleased that there will be 14 talks and 2 keynotes speeches.
Registration is open! Please find more Information on our ISQFD’21 Websites.
Download: Call-for-Papers-Flyer ISQFD’21
Download: Program-Flyer ISQFD’21