December 9th – 10th, 2021
Glenn Mazur
QFD Institute®
Glenn Mazur has been active in QFD since its inception in North America, and has worked extensively with the founders of QFD, such as Dr. Yoji Akao, on their teaching and consulting visits from Japan. He is a leader in the application of QFD to service industries and consumer products, conducts advanced QFD research, and serves as the Executive Director of the QFD Institute (QFDI) and the International Council for QFD (ICQFD). He is also the convenor of ISO 16355 technical committee. In 1998 he was awarded the International Akao Prize® for his work in developing and disseminating the practice of QFD globally. Glenn Mazur has been certified as a QFD Red Belt® by the late Dr. Akao and as a QFD Architekt by the QFD-ID.
Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm
University of Stuttgart
QFD Institut Deutschland
Georg Herzwurm holds the Chair of Information Systems II at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. His research focuses on customer-oriented product development in the software-intensive business. In this area, he is considered a pioneer for the application of QFD in the software sector in Germany. He is founder of the German QFD Institute and director of the ICQFD. He is also a board member of the Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME) and as a member of ISO/TC 69/SC 8 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) co-responsible for the development of the QFD standard ISO 16355. In 2000 he was awarded the International Akao Prize® for his work and the dissemination of QFD.
The importance of ISO 16355 in general and ISO 16355-7 for the future of QFD
Part 7 of the ISO 16355 series of standards for Quality Function Deployments focuses on the specifics of applying QFD in software development. In their keynote, Glenn Mazur and Georg Herzwurm will associate part 7 with the overall context of ISO 16355, give a brief overview of the contents of ISO 16355-7 and explain them using practical case studies.