Submission Guidelines

Unfortunately, we have we have to cancel ISQFD 2020! But, we are committed to an ISQFD 2021 in Europe! Information will follow soon, and stay healthy!


Abstracts must be submitted in the following format and structure. Please use as a guidance the following abstract-template. Please submit the abstract by mail to

Abstract Format

  • 500 words maximum
  • Single spacing
  • Font Times New Roman 12pt

Abstract Structure

  1. Paper Title
  2. Autobiographical note for each author
    • Full name
    • Academic title
    • Organization (University, Company)
    • Department and work/reseach areas
    • E-Mail adress
    • Postal adress
  3. Paper type (scientific or practical/case study)
  4. Heading ‚Abstract‘
  5. Sub-headings
    • Purpose/Motivation
    • Methodology/Approach
    • Findings and Research Limitation
    • Originality/Value of paper
  6. Up to six Keywords

Full Paper

Full papers must be submitted electronically and in the following format and structure. Please use as a guidance the following full-paper-template. Please submit the final paper by mail to

Full Paper Format

  • Word Format: *.doc, *.docx
  • Submissions should have at least 3000 words and should not exceed 6000 words including all text, references, tables etc.
  • Do not number pages
  • Single spacing
  • Font Times New Roman 12pt
  • References within the text should be authors last name followed by year of publication all in round brackets (Akao, 1968)
  • Tables must be numbered consecutively within the main text using a title and roman numerals (I, II, …)
  • Figures, diagrams, charts must be numbered consecutively within the main text using a title and arabic numerals (1, 2, …)
  • Avoid footnotes and endnotes
  • The reference list at the end of the paper should be complete and in Harvard style using an alphabetical list by author

Examples of Harvard style:

  • For books: Surname, Initials, (year), Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication
    • Akao, Y. (1988), Hinshitsu tenkai katsuyo no jissai, Japanese Standards Association, Tokyo
  • For book chapters: Surname, Initials, (year), „Chapter title“, Editor’s surname, Initials, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication
  • For journals: Surname, Initals, (year), „Title of article“, Journal name, Volume, Number, Pages

Full Paper Structure

  1. Paper Title
  2. Autobiographical note for each author
    • Full name
    • Academic title
    • Organization (University, Company)
    • Department and work/reseach areas
    • E-Mail adress
    • Postal adress
  3. Paper type (scientific or practical/case study)
  4. Abstract
  5. 4-6 Keywords
  6. Paper Text
  7. List of references